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Travel Tips When Traveling With Your Dog

Travel Tips When Traveling by Car

  • Make certain you bring adequate food and water. It is a good idea to bring more than you think you will need to insure there is adequate supply in case your trip is unexpectedly extended.
  • Make certain your dog or cats’ nametag is up to date and bring along a photograph. Both of these can be extremely valuable should your pet accidentally get lost while taking a break or at your final destination.
    Avoid traveling with your pet while he/she has a full stomach. Motion sickness is less likely on an empty stomach. On longer trips, feed a smaller amount than normal.
  • Never leave your dog or cat in a hot car. Many people believe that simply leaving the windows partially down provides adequate relief for the pet. In extreme temperatures the heat can cause injury and death.
  • When planning your trip, plan for your pet by calling ahead. Make certain your pet will be welcome wherever you go.
  • Visit your veterinarian and obtain a health certificate for your pet. Carry this certificate with you and make certain it meets the requirements of the state or country in which you are traveling.
  • Remember to pack a leash and tie-out, and stop often so your dog can relieve themselves.
  • When possible, use a plastic or wire kennel to restrain your pet for the best safety for you and your pet.
  • Don’t hesitate to call your vet for other tips and special advice.

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Travel Tips When Traveling by Plane

  • Always call your airline in d thy of your deparrave for specific pee travel guidelines.
  • Airlines and airports have specific requirements so it is recommended you contact the ticket office in the city from which you are departing.
    Make certain your dog or cogs’ nainegag is up go date d bring along a pl-7ogograph. Both of these can be extremely valuable should your pet accidentally get lost in the airport or at your final destination.
    Visit yomr veterinarian Died obtain o health cerstrficate for your pet. Carry this certificate with you and make certain it meets the requirements of the state or country’ in which you are traveling.
    When possible, choose e directflighe. This will greatly minimize the time your pet is out of your hands. If a direct flight is not possible, avoid using different airlines for your connections.
    Make your reservations in affiance. Many airlines limit the number of pets on a flight.
    Choose airline app roved peg COM:CPS gloat provide excellent ventilation for improved pet comfort,.
    Walk yorir dog just prior to hoarding end immediately after arriving eg you?. destination.
    Don’t hesitaie to coil year TA?t for other tips or special advice.,